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Provide coupon to your pharmacist with your prescription.

Save up to 85% on your prescribed medications. Coupon never expires.
Who Can This Coupon Help?
- Those with no insurance or little medication coverage
- Coupon may offer a lower price than your high insurance copay
- Those who have insurance but have high deductibles
- Those who have non-covered drugs or caps on their benefits
- Medications not covered by insurance like birth control, dermatology meds and ED meds
- Those employees waiting for their benefits to be active
- Employees in their waiting period for healthcare coverage
- The unemployed who cannot afford COBRA payments
- Employees who cannot afford to cover dependents
- The coupon is pre-activated - you can use it immediately
- Coupon never expires and can be used over and over
For Pet Owners
- Who have high vet prices on pet medications
- With no farm animal medication coverage
Available at participating pharmacies. Human medication approved for animals, pet-only medications are not included.

Medication Prices Vary Nationwide
Make sure to save as much as possible by comparing prices for your medications.
You can save on your medications at participating pharmacies nationwide.
Even if you have insurance, you can save on out-of-network medications or even pay less than your co-pay.

THIS IS NOT INSURANCE. Rx Coupon discounts are only available at participating pharmacies. By using this program, you agree to pay the entire prescription cost less any applicable discount. Savings may vary by drug and by the pharmacy. Savings are calculated based on the pharmacy’s usual and customary price.
The discount program is Administrative by Elixir Rx Solutions, Elixir program is Not Insurance, cannot be combined with federal or state-funded programs like Medicare or Medicaid, and does not meet creditable coverage requirements under state law. The prices we show are our best estimate; while we believe our data to be accurate, prices change frequently and we can’t guarantee that the price we display will exactly match the price you receive at the pharmacy. To find your exact price, please contact the pharmacy and note that the pharmacy will need to process the information shown on your coupon to confirm the price.
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